Friday, January 25, 2008

New Beginings Revisited

On Sat we are meeting to continue what started back in December. A meeting to consider among other things a vision and mission statement. In order to do this a survey was sent out, I was surprised at my answer to the first question. You may be too.

If I were designing my ideal class at the dojo (for me to attend, not teach) I would prioritize these class components from 1 to 8 as follows… (1 is most important)
component example
___8_ Social interaction (making friends, attending functions)
____3 Aikido technique (learning and polishing techniques, rolling, etc.)
____1 Ki development (Ki meditation and breathing, oneness, ki healing, etc.)
____5 Practical self defense (Making sure you could use techniques on the street.)
____7 Exercise and fitness (Active, rigorous classes, flexibility, etc.)
____6Japanese culture (Maintaining a traditional dojo atmosphere, etc.)
____ Weapons (Jo 1, Bokken 45)
____4 Philosophical inquiry (Ki sayings, The Art of Peace, discussion of principles)

I would categorize some differtenly as I see my answer for #1 and #4 are closely related and #6 is required to accomplish these, #1,#3 and #5 are also interdependent. I found #7 to be some what misleading as I am for rigorus classes and flexibility, I don't think this is exercise for exercise sake. Also what is Ideal in an individual class does not translated to the Dojo as a whole, as needs with in classes change based upon the participants needs and abilities.

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