Sunday, December 30, 2007

Pragmatic Aikido

I have heard a lot of talk about is Aikido practical. Would you use it in a fight, etc... what is a pragmatic approach to training. I ask,
what is more pragmatic than waking up. Leaving behind your preconceived notions of reality and strength. Realizing there is nothing to attain but many things to get rid of... like habits of posture, negative thoughts, competitive and aggressive tendencies, the notions of fighting and winning. The real work is with in your own mind.
Training to connect with the living quality of each moment. Coming back to right here right now with gentleness and precision. Connecting deeply to others and realizing that separation is the illusion. Training in not causing harm and maintaining an open and flexible mind. These are very practical and lasting effects of serious training and are not for the feeble minded or weak at heart. True training requires discipline and honest self reflection, not only of what to train but why to train.
Tohei Sensei stated in Aikido the coordination of mind and body for self defence. " They think Aikido is a highly developed defensive art. This is a superficial view. Aikido is not merely an art to throw others, but a way to apply the laws of Nature to our daily lives. One who does not understand this does not truely understand Aikido." By the way Tohei Sensei said this in 1961 and O'sensei was the editor. Pre Ki-Aikido When he was the Chief Instructor at Aikido Headquarters.

1 comment:

Mike said...

Well said, Bill. So well said, in fact, that I feel that to add would simply be to cloud the message.