Monday, December 17, 2007


Non-Dissension does not mean to hold everything in and locking up every thing said and done to you in your heart, safe and secure in not fighting back. This is not non dissension this is endurance. Tohei Sensei talks about this in Aikido in Daily Life.

"though you say nothing with your lips your feelings may be seething inside you. This too is a sort of battle"...

"Non-Dissension requires a strong spirit and Ki which is radiating back to the Universe, you don't harbor ill feelings you accept them just as the sea accepts the tributary streams, maintain a wave less calm in our own hearts."

Making a deep connection to others requires us to let go of our self, our ego and bruised feelings... the best way to this place is to breathe. Daily mindful breathing practice will enable us to connect to ourselves and then to others.. This reminds me of a conversation on monism I heard from Shaner Sensei. Monism is the belief that the universe is one and all beings are connected and interconnected. we are not Islands unto ourselves, as we become connected we arrive at compassion. From breathing follows the realization of interconnection, this leads to compassion , "once you realize this you are responsible for your actions and the role you play in all relationships and must cultivate more compassion, acceptance, love, understanding etc..."serious personal development requires serious commitment and time. We are a work in progress and never really arrive but continue to improve ourselves, and the circumstance of those around us.

1 comment:

Mike said...

I think you have hit on a very important point here, Bill. The part about non-dissention being realization of connection rather than bottling up those things that arise from separation: feelings of aggression, need for control, desire for recognition, etc. Things bottled up will find a way out in spite of our best efforts to hold them in.