As long as we think you are attacking and now I am going to throw you then we are stuck. This is the same as saying I am going to help you because you need help. This is dualistic and implies one has it and one dose not. This is not compassion or connection to uke other than on a temporary basis, fundamentally nothing has changed. The concept ofIntoku is doing good in secret with out the notion of praise or reward. This applies to Aikido arts as well. Wanting to throw somebody is working against rather than with someone. THIS IS REALLY ABOUT WORKING WITH YOUR OWN UNDESIRABLE SELF this is how one can truely grow and develop thru Ki-Aikido. we can give up the clinging desire of what it is really going to be like when I throw someone, this is a trap....
if I change this, if I breathe more, if I could only have a bigger mind, etc...
these are all attachments that keep us in a cycle of looking out there for the answers. Keeping us from realizing there is enough ,right here ,right now.
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