My Name Is William Perkins, I am a husband and father of three. I have practiced Ki-Aikido
with mind-body coordination since 1995. I hold the rank of Nidan in Ki-Aikido and Shoden in Ki
development. I am a trained mediator specializing in Victim offender mediation and issues of
restorative justice and balance. I am a former Corrections Officer and I trained Correctional Officers in
crisis intervention and restraints, (both physical and mechanical) I am a Peaceful Intervention Trainer,
and an assistant instructor for the Kansas Ki Society. I Co-Founded Ki Intervention to teach practical
self defense and rape prevention training for women and girls as I have a wife and two daughters, this
is too important to leave to chance. I am also a formal student in the Order of Pragmatic Buddhists, as
a Martial artist and when a corrections officer I was often asked to teach practical self defense and
escape for co-workers and students. I found that most could do the movements in class but soon forgot
them or didn't practice the newly acquired skills. When I teach I like to find what someone is good at
and make them great, rather than average at everything. The R.A.D. program is designed to
use women's strengths based on what works for them. This is the best Basic Self Defense program designed specifically for women I have seen. I am excited to Begin teaching RAD In Lawrence I Just completed an Intensive Instructors Certification Program. R.A.D. is the only Program sanctioned by the International Campus Law Enforcement Administrator's Association. ICLEA.
R.A.D. is the strongest self-defense network in the country. The course meets or
exceeds all guidelines for choosing a self-defense program prepared by the National Coalition Against Sexual Assault
(NCASA). Programs are taught at over 450 university police departments, municipal police and sheriff departments,
local transit companies, military bases, and independents across the U.S. and Canada. At this time there are nearly
5000 instructors certified internationally.