Thursday, December 8, 2016

Sunrise on the Kaw

Kaw River Levee
.Waking up each morning to walk along the river, to breathe deeply, a walking meditation.  This communion with nature recharges me and sets the tone for the day. I work with emotionally charged and challenged clients, this enables me to stay grounded and to act consciously aware of my feelings and prevents me from defaulting to a reactive mindset. 

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Fall Sword Haiku

I cut once in fall 
problems require action
use of the sword.

Sunrise reflections

Walking along the river in the morning is a great opportunity to reflect and to prepare for the upcoming day. I am so very fortunate to live in such an amazing place and to have the love and support of family and friends . I am still teaching in Lenexa and looking at other training possibilities. I look forward to Next year and hope to expand teaching opportunities. I am looking to add more sword and bokken classes,along with basic and advanced self defense classes. I think we can offer a kiatsu and breathing class if enough interest along with meditation and stretching classes.